Time to Renew Your Membership!


  • Posted on Apr 12, 2022

Membership in the Eastern PA Chapter of the ISEE keeps you connected to news and events in the drilling, blasting and seismic fields. Members receive benefits such as quarterly newsletters, training opportunities, regulatory and safety updates as well as informational/social events. A yearly membership costs only $35.

To become a member or renew your membership, please complete the form featured on page 22. You can also find the membership form online.

Save with a Corporate Membership!
Your corporate membership includes 5 or up to 10 memberships along with free advertising in the quarterly newsletter. See page 22 for details.

Did you Know?
Our Chapter earns $5 back from the ISEE for every member of our Chapter that is also an ISEE member. Not a member of the ISEE, join today!