Spring is Membership Renewal Time


  • Posted on Jun 3, 2024

Membership renewal invoices were recently emailed.

A yearly membership only costs $35. And you can save with a Corporate Membership. A corporate membership includes up to 5 members and a free business card advertisement in the quarterly newsletter ($60 value)- all for $155. A deluxe corporate membership includes up to 10 members and a 1/2 page advertisement in the quarterly newsletter ($180 value)- all for $255.

Membership in the Eastern PA Chapter of the ISEE keeps you connected to news and events in the drilling, blasting and seismic fields. Members receive benefits such as quarterly newsletters, training opportunities, regulatory and safety updates as well as informational and social events. Members will also be able to attend the Member Appreciation Baseball Game in August.

You have 2 renewal options:
1. Visit the membership renewal form on our website at https://www.easternpaisee.com/membership/
2. Check your inbox for your membership renewal invoice

Our advertising renewal invoices will also be going out shortly.

Thank you for your continued support of the Eastern PA Chapter!