Chapter Celebrates 25th Anniversary!


  • Posted on Jul 27, 2020

Over our Chapter’s 25-year history, we have been acknowledged with the following ISEE awards:

* ISEE Diamond Level President Education Fund – 2020
* Chapter Quality Award – 2020
* Chapter Service Award – 2020, 2018, 2016, 2006, 2000
* Chapter Newsletter/Website Award – 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2007, 2002
* ISEE Platinum Level President Education Fund – 2015
* Membership Trophy – 1999

Our outstanding members have also been recognized by ISEE:

* ISEE Presidents Award Recipients – Don Hall, Denny Kisthart, Dale Ramsey, Dan Leach
* ISEE Industry Service Award – Dale Ramsey
* ISEE Distinguished Service Award – Frank Chaippetta
* Volunteer Appreciation Award – Ethan Huff, John Benedict, Kristin Klemish, Becky Geary-Spahr, Chuck Tomlin, Denny Kisthart, Becky Geary, Randy May, Don Hall


Our Chapter’s 25 Year History

In 1994, at the ISEE Conference in Austin, Texas, several attendees from eastern Pennsylvania met and discussed the concept of a new Pennsylvania Chapter. Plans were quickly set in motion and on February 17, 1994, an organizing committee meeting was held with industry leaders including Conny Postupak, Dale Ramsey, Don Hall, Charles Nork, Randy May, John Brulia, Jim Reil, David Borg, Frank Chiapetta, Dan Waters, and John Freymuller. The Chapters geographical area was specified as being East Pennsylvania westward to a North/South line running through State College, Pa.

The first general meeting was held April 29, 1994 at the Days Inn, in Allentown, PA. Dues were only $15 for the year. Membership quickly grew with 50 members signed up after the first meeting, then jumping to 117 members by the end of 1994. In 1995, The Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter was granted the ISEE Charter at the annual conference in Nashville, Tennessee in February. Soon after the Chapter volunteered to help organize the Pennsylvania Drilling and Blasting Conference along with the Mid Atlantic Chapter and the Pennsylvania DEP.