On October 22, 2020 The Eastern PA Chapter ISEE hosted the 4th Annual Clay Shoot & BBQ at the Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays (LVSC) facility in Allentown, PA. It was a great day to shoot something−all while following COVID-19 restrictions and maintaining social distancing. The LVSC facility is perfect for our event as it is built on an old quarry site, and utilizes the ponds and the old limestone structures for the challenging course. There were 48 shooters and a total of 51 attendees at the event.
First place winner was Rob Tourney from Lehigh Hanson, second place winner was Frank Moll from Keystone Drill Services, and third place winner was Jerry Brumbaugh from Wampum Hardware.
The first place Lewis class winner was Jonathan Ferdinand from Vibra-Tech, second place Lewis class winner was Tim O’Quinn from Sandvik, and third place Lewis class winner was Tom Klock, Retired.
The gun raffle winner was Tom Klock.
Special Thanks to our Sponsors: Austin Powder; BBQ Sponsor, Maxam; Ammo Sponsor, and Rocky Rift Consulting; Gun Raffle Sponsor. Station sponsors include: Blasters Tool & Supply Company, Dimension Supply, Inc., Dyno Nobel, East West Drilling, Inc., EPIROC, Gill Rock Drill Company, Independent Explosives, Instantel, International Society of Explosives Engineers, J.M. Miller, Inc., KEMEK, LLC, Keystone Drill Services, Inc., Maurer & Scott, Nobel Insurance Services, Pennsylvania One Call System, Inc., REICHdrill LLC, Sandvik, Sauls Seismic, LLC, Stemlock, Inc., Texas AGA, a division of Marsh USA, Inc., Vibra-Tech Engineers, Inc., Wampum Hardware Company.
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